
Serve at Corinth
Want to make a difference? We believe the best place to start is by serving. But it gets better! Recent studies and even brain scans have revealed that people who serve others are happier and physically healthier than those who don’t! With close to 200 different service roles on a Sunday morning, you are sure to find one where you’ll thrive!
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Serve Our Community
At Corinth we believe that God created us to be Him to our world. That’s why we are constantly looking for ways to help right here in our Walton County and the surrounding area. And there are a number of ways that you can jump in and help! Learn more about the organizations we partner with locally and join us in serving our community!

Serve Globally
At Corinth we also believe that God said to take the gospel to all the world. We partner with several foreign missionaries and missions organizations that are doing just that—spreading the gospel in foreign soil. Want to learn more about our global partners? Are you interested in going on a mission trip? Let us know.
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