We are a family at Corinth; we are a home for every generation.Everyone is searching for a place to belong. Everyone needs people to care for and people who care for you. At Corinth, we love caring for people from all walks of life, no matter what. Come find your place to belong at Corinth.
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Our ministry environments are ready for your student(s)! Let us know how we can help plug them in.
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Whether you are a recent grad, a grandparent, an introvert or extrovert, there is an opportunity to connect at Corinth.
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Unshakable - Part One - Idols
FALSE gods make FALSE promises.
Idol: Anything you SEEK to give you what onl...
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Our preaching is Bible-based and Christ-centered. Every week you can hear a message centered on the Word of God with application for your life today. By applying Biblical truth to real-life issues, the messages will help you strengthen your relationships and impact your community. Whether you are a Christ follower or not, we’re confident you’ll walk away being encouraged and challenged.
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“Start Here” is offered every month at Corinth with the purpose of getting to know you, answering your questions and helping you get involved here at Corinth.
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A Group
Spiritual Growth is a team sport! You need a group and a group needs you. We have different types of groups meeting in different spaces and places.
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Serving is one of the most effective ways to live out and grow your faith. With close to 200 different service roles on a Sunday morning, you are sure to find one where you’ll thrive!
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Serving Others Near And Far.
We believe the message of Jesus is for everyone! Those who are here, those who are near, and those who are far. See how you can be a part of this most incredible mission.
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