Corinth in Your Car - Episode 118 - When the World Seems Darkest

This week, we’re getting into the Christmas spirit with a special episode! How’s your Christmas season going? Are you ready for the big day, or still scrambling for gifts? We’ll share what we’re most excited about for Christmas Eve at Corinth—happening TONIGHT!—and talk about Christmas plans for the next few weeks.

Then, we dive into this week’s sermon, Illuminate: When the World Seems Darkest. We’ll explore the story of the shepherds in Luke 2—why did God choose them for the greatest announcement ever? Have you ever felt overlooked like they must have? What does their story teach us about facing fear, receiving grace, and stepping into God’s light?

We’ll also give practical encouragement for when you feel unworthy, inadequate, or invisible this season, and challenge you to reflect God’s light to others who may feel overlooked.

Plus, we’ll lighten things up with Santa’s naughty or nice list. Don’t miss this fun, faith-filled episode—it’s the perfect way to prepare your heart for Christmas!