Creative Arts Academy
What: Any middle or high school student is welcome to join us for this year’s Creative Arts Academy, where we train them to lead others in worship through a variety of different tracks!
Students will sign up for one of our many tracks, learn their skill, work with their team to implement and execute the Sunday morning services at Corinth on Sunday, July 21st.
When: July 9th-12th from 5:00-9:00 PM.
Additionally, we will meet beyond this initial week on Sunday afternoons (as needed).
- Instrumental Team (Guitar, Piano, and Drums) – students will be coached in their instrument by a professional, plan and practice, and lead the congregation in worship.
- Vocal Team – students will be coached through vocal lessons by a professional, plan and practice, and lead the congregation in worship.
- Speaking Team – students will be coached in the art of public speaking by a professional, plan and practice, and lead the congregation through different messages.
- Video Production Team – students will learn the art of video production (lights, camera, video editing, etc.) from a professional. They will help implement a worship service and use their skills to create extra content.
- Photography Team – students will learn the art of photography from a professional and use their skills to create and implement an experience for the congregation to enjoy.
- Design Team – students will learn the arts of some graphics, purposeful decoration, lighting, and much more! They will play an integral part in the worship service being presented.
- Illustration Team – students will the arts of graphics in illustration for story-telling from a professional and use their skills to create something special for our congregation.
- Audio Team – students will learn the art of sound and will help the instrumental and vocal team perform well for the night of worship.
Questions? Contact Luke Sayre or Jeremi Carnes.