CIY MIX is a summer event of awesomeness specifically designed for 6th, 7th, and 8th, graders!
When – June 20-24.
Where – Cleveland, TN.
Who is it for – Middle School students!
Note: Current 8th graders are not eligible to attend MIX. When summer hits they will be considered a high school student and will need to register for MOVE.
Note: Current 5th graders are eligible to attend MIX.
How Much – $200 (a deposit of $100 is due upon registration).
Corinth has already covered half of CIY’s registration cost for each student. The remaining cost ($200) covers all remaining registration, travel, housing, and meals for the entire week!
*Registering more than one student in your family? Contact Luke for a discount code.
Who to Contact – Luke Sayre